Minimalist Plate Rack Inspiration for an Aesthetic Kitchen Appearance

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A minimalist plate rack can be a solution to make your kitchen look aesthetic. Even using kitchen accessories with minimalist sizes can make the kitchen look spacious and comfortable. The function of the shelf is that it is an option for arranging cutlery.

The reason is that having a plate rack in the kitchen can make it easier for you to rearrange the equipment after you clean or wash it. Well, for that reason, here is some inspiration regarding plate rack accessories so that your kitchen looks comfortable, spacious, and aesthetic.

Minimalist Plate Rack

Minimalist Plate Rack Inspiration for the Kitchen

Kitchen decoration is not only related to the kitchen set and dining table. However, there are also several equipment in the kitchen that are important for you to pay attention to. One of them is a plate rack.

Usually, dish racks are used to place cutlery after washing. Also, you can use it to organize food equipment when you are not using it. So, for those of you who have a minimalist kitchen design. So you also need to use a plate rack with a minimalist model. This ensures that the kitchen design looks harmonious, neat, and aesthetic. For maximum results. Then you can choose the following plate rack models.

Hanging Model

Hanging plate racks are the main choice that most people use. Especially if the kitchen is minimalist.

This is because the plate rack does not take up much space. So just to put several cutlery. The model is also simple, and suitable for your minimalist kitchen.

Wooden Model

The next model is wood. Several pieces of furniture use wood. It does have its charm. Especially when the feel of your kitchen is minimalist.

However, when using a wooden model. So you need to pay attention to the quality of the wood. Make sure it is water-resistant and does not rot easily. So that the shelf remains strong enough to support the weight of plates and other eating utensils.

Corner Model

The next minimalist plate rack is a corner model. The reason is that the plate rack can save space. You can place this shelf model in a kitchen cabinet so that the dishes are not visible from the outside. Also maintained about cleanliness.

By using this plate rack model, you can save space for storing several other kitchen necessities. However, you can’t place the glass on the shelf. If the collection of bowls and plates is large.

Cabinet Model

The next minimalist plate rack is a cabinet model. If you have a kitchen that is quite spacious. Then you can use a cabinet-style plate rack. Open it just looks neat in arrangement. However, you can use a glass plate rack to place lots of heavy tableware.